friday, august 2 6PM-12PM

6pm-8pm: DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY - Bear Happy Hour! Join us for appetizers and two discounted drinks. $30 w/o run pass

8PM-12AM disco bear dance - after happy hour, stay and dance with the bears! Disco dance party featuring DJ ROJO. cash bar

Both events are at 5801 Video Lounge & Cafe, 5801 Ellsworth Ave.

5801 video lounge & cafe

Transportation and happy hour are included with your run pass.

Please complete 3RBR Registration before purchasing a la carte.

If you have completed 3RBR Registration, you may purchase happy hour admission a la carte here

the shuttle will depart from the rear of the Drury hotel at 5:30PM for happy hour and 7:30 for the disco bear dance.